Various Updates

Good news! As of yesterday, I finished the most recent draft of RISING SHADOWS, book two of the Sam Adams series. I wasn’t optimistic going into it, but as it happened, I ended up writing 27,000 words of new material, and now the book is close to done. There’s still plenty to do, but I’m tentatively hoping to have it with my editor soon.

In other news, you can expect a review of Credible Threats from Ashley at Here Be Dragons on July 15, as well as a review from Lezlie at The Nerdy Narrative coming next year.

I’ve also done interviews for Sue at Sue’s Musings (release date TBA) and Ash at slated to drop April 2. A big, big thank you to all of them for their much-appreciated support.

Watch this space for more updates; in the meantime, feel free to subscribe to my newsletter, and if you haven’t already, check out my debut novel, Credible Threats, book one of the Sam Adams series.